dijous, 4 de juny del 2009
dimecres, 3 de juny del 2009
Final Avaluation
• Observing your portfolio, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September 2008? Where, for example?
I think that my level English is better, I understand a lot of words, and another things.
• Which activity best shows your level of English?
I think that very good activity and a lot of understand is news and podcast, because learn words, pronuncation and another things.
• Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I think that the most useful activity were the exam, because is very hard and the very concentration. Other very useful activities are the blog and the portfolio.
• Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?
In my opinion I think all the activities were useful but the only activity it’s good is the film, is very good and very learn.
• Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year?
I think that the best activity was the Aula d’Idiomes activity because you can do a lot of things there.
I think that my level English is better, I understand a lot of words, and another things.
• Which activity best shows your level of English?
I think that very good activity and a lot of understand is news and podcast, because learn words, pronuncation and another things.
• Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I think that the most useful activity were the exam, because is very hard and the very concentration. Other very useful activities are the blog and the portfolio.
• Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?
In my opinion I think all the activities were useful but the only activity it’s good is the film, is very good and very learn.
• Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year?
I think that the best activity was the Aula d’Idiomes activity because you can do a lot of things there.

US in nuclear disclosure blunder
The 266-page document included the precise location of stockpiles of fuel for nuclear weapons, the Obama administration said.
The Government Printing Office website took down the posting on Tuesday after experts expressed concern.
US officials insisted the information detailed was not a security threat.
The document, which lists itself as "sensitive but unclassified", contains maps and information on hundreds of US civilian nuclear sites.
No military installations are included but the document does cover the nuclear weapons laboratories at Los Alamos, Livermore and Sandia.
US faces summit pressure on Cuba
Most Latin American countries want the Caribbean island to return to the group, from which it was expelled in 1962, without preconditions.
But US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Cuba should only return if it passed democratic reforms.
Mrs Clinton said no consensus had been reached on the first day of the summit.
Cuba, which was expelled from OAS after the 1959 communist revolution, has said it will not accept membership if offered.
Cuban Foreign Ministry official Carlos Fernandez said reversing the expulsion would be "a good sign for the Organization of American States" but that his country had no intention of rejoining the group.
US 'errors' over Afghanistan air raids
Dozens of civilians were killed in the air strikes in western Farah province.
The New York Times quotes a senior US official saying some of the raids would have been called off, had the rules of engagement been followed strictly.
Meanwhile, the general named as the next US commander in Afghanistan has said civilian deaths must be reduced.
Gen Stanley McChrystal said civilian casualties caused by US and Nato-led forces could alienate the Afghan people.
Civilian casualties are causing growing public outrage in Afghanistan and friction between the US and Afghan governments.
The publication of the US military report is expected later this week.
Informal letter

13 Passeig de l’Empordà
27th April
Hi Ramon,
How’s life in Roma? Sorry I haven’t written for a while, I’ve been very busy with exams. When I finish my exams I’ll go to Rome to visit you.
At the moment, I’m saying in my house writing to you, and later I’ll go to a party with my friends. My school marks are regular, the worst subject is “literatura castellana” and “ciencies del mon contemporani”.
My parents are well, and the next week my mother turns fourty-five years old, my father is ok and my brother is all right and very crazy.
In August I will go to rome, and you’ll wait for me airport and later we’ll visit the city, visit museum, places and buy clothes.
And you, are you allrigit? Are you married? What studying Write soon with your news.
All the best,
PS. Answer me! Promise me!
Traducció d'una canço, pujar nota:

The Sex Pistols – Anarchy in the UK:
Right! now ha, ha
I am an anti-christ
i am an anarchist,
don't know what i want
but i know how to get it.
i wanna destroy the passer by
'cos i wanna be anarchy,
no dogs body
Anarchy for the uk
it's coming sometime and maybe
i give a wrong time stop a traffic line.
your future dream is a shopping scheme
cause i wanna be anarchy,
it's in the city
How many ways to get what you want
i use the best i use the rest
i use the enemy.
i use anarchy
'cause i wanna be anarchy,
Its the only way to be
Is this the mpla
or is this the uda
or is this the ira
i thought it was the uk
or just another country
another council tenancy.
I wanna be an anarchist
(oh what a name)
and l wanna be an anarchist
(i get pissed destroy)
The Sex Pistols – Anarquia en Inglaterra:
Ara mateix
Soc un anticrist,
soc un anarquista.
No se lo que vull però se
com aconseguir-ho
vull trencar els braços y les cames del vianants
perquè vull la anarquia
no el cos del gos
Anarquia per el Regne Unit
estarà arribant algun dia
i potser provoco el moment
equivocat, parar el trànsit.
El teu somni del futur es
un projecte comercial
però jo vull ser anarquia!
a Londres
Hi ha moltes formes
de aconseguir el que vols
utilitza lo millor, utilitza
la resta.
Utilitza l’enemic.
Utilitza l’anarquia perquè
vull ser anarquia!
es la única forma de ser!
Es això M.P.L.A?
O es l’ U.D.A?
O es això de l’I.R.A?
em pensava que això era
el Regne Unit,
o només un altre país!
Un altre arrendament
del parlament.
Vull ser anarquia
i vull ser anarquia, oh
quin nom!
I vull ser anarquista
m’emborratxo i em destrueixo.
dilluns, 9 de març del 2009
Description a place
I describe my room:
There is many posters have of punk music and more punk things.
At the end there is a computer with a television and a printer.
Beside there is a cupboard where all the clothes, and near another furniture where I have books and movies. Just next to the door there’s a bed with some sheets of Barça.
I have a window that gives away and you can go out through the window.
And in the cupboard there is books punks, and books for school. Also games for pc and play station. In the roof there are more posters of punk bands.
There is many posters have of punk music and more punk things.
At the end there is a computer with a television and a printer.
Beside there is a cupboard where all the clothes, and near another furniture where I have books and movies. Just next to the door there’s a bed with some sheets of Barça.
I have a window that gives away and you can go out through the window.
And in the cupboard there is books punks, and books for school. Also games for pc and play station. In the roof there are more posters of punk bands.
This is the my room.
New 1:
Health officials in Brasil say that an outbreak of dengue fever has infected more than 32,000 people in Rio de Janeiro state and claimed at least 47 lives.
Health officials in Brasil say that an outbreak of dengue fever has infected more than 32,000 people in Rio de Janeiro state and claimed at least 47 lives.
The Federal Health Minister of Brasil says he is already treating the situation in Rio, where about 51 new cases of the disease are reported every hour, as an epidemic.Temporao says the government will open a crisis center in Rio state on Monday to coordinate efforts between the federal and state government and the armed force to fight the disease.
New 2:
Woman shot to death in her bar in Salamanca province
A man from Fuentiguinaldo who is 64 years old is in custody because he killed on Sunday one Moroccan woman when she was runing in Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca.
New 3:
Obama's move overturns an order signed by President Bush in 2001 that barred the National Institutes of Health from funding research on embryonic stem cells beyond using 60 cell lines that existed at that time.
New 2:
Woman shot to death in her bar in Salamanca province
A man from Fuentiguinaldo who is 64 years old is in custody because he killed on Sunday one Moroccan woman when she was runing in Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca.
New 3:
Obama's move overturns an order signed by President Bush in 2001 that barred the National Institutes of Health from funding research on embryonic stem cells beyond using 60 cell lines that existed at that time.
Obama also signed a presidential memorandum establishing greater independence for federal science policies and programs.

Letter to the director
13, Passeig de l'Empordà
C/del Rentador
IES Castelló d'Empuriés
Dear madam,
I'm writing to explain the good or bad things of the school.
First, the best thing about the school is that we go out to "P de T" at 4 o'clock.
The good of school is in the 11 o'clock, we exit in the "Punt de Trobada". Also good is in the Thuersday, wednesday, tuesday and Friday finish the class in the morning. Also it's very good go to Barcelona, theater and another citys.
Also it's good see the films in the class and explain opinions.
As for the bad things mondays, we finish class at 6 o'clock, we study 8 hours in one day it the most and the worst day of the week.
Besides, the change of seats in my classroom, form teacher has changer the seats...
Definetly, the school it's good and a lot of people go in the IES Castelló d'Empuriés. I will studies two years and then I'll school leave.
C/del Rentador
IES Castelló d'Empuriés
Dear madam,
I'm writing to explain the good or bad things of the school.
First, the best thing about the school is that we go out to "P de T" at 4 o'clock.
The good of school is in the 11 o'clock, we exit in the "Punt de Trobada". Also good is in the Thuersday, wednesday, tuesday and Friday finish the class in the morning. Also it's very good go to Barcelona, theater and another citys.
Also it's good see the films in the class and explain opinions.
As for the bad things mondays, we finish class at 6 o'clock, we study 8 hours in one day it the most and the worst day of the week.
Besides, the change of seats in my classroom, form teacher has changer the seats...
Definetly, the school it's good and a lot of people go in the IES Castelló d'Empuriés. I will studies two years and then I'll school leave.
A discusion essay
There is not enough discipline in schools today. We need struicter rules and punishments:
In the pas, there where no discipline in schools. The boys and girls behave bad, and throw the tables, chairs.
On the one hant, the boys and girls very speak in the class and don't pay atencion.
On the another gand, the boys smoke and another things.
My own opinion is that the boys are very impolite.
In the pas, there where no discipline in schools. The boys and girls behave bad, and throw the tables, chairs.
On the one hant, the boys and girls very speak in the class and don't pay atencion.
On the another gand, the boys smoke and another things.
My own opinion is that the boys are very impolite.
A discusion essay
Famous person:
At the present, famous person are very important persons.famous do films, create songs and lay in band of gruop,etc.
The advantages or famous are to have money, to work four days a week, and to do a programs and advertisevent.
The diavantages or famous people are to hafe fame to take a drugs.
One the hand to be famous is more dificult, they do't enter for their ments they enter because or ther fathers, or family, yours family it's famous then person was famus.
On the another hand, famous person can be very antypathic and they sleep more hours than we.
The conclusion is that people is very bad and they only live their life and I do my good life.
At the present, famous person are very important persons.famous do films, create songs and lay in band of gruop,etc.
The advantages or famous are to have money, to work four days a week, and to do a programs and advertisevent.
The diavantages or famous people are to hafe fame to take a drugs.
One the hand to be famous is more dificult, they do't enter for their ments they enter because or ther fathers, or family, yours family it's famous then person was famus.
On the another hand, famous person can be very antypathic and they sleep more hours than we.
The conclusion is that people is very bad and they only live their life and I do my good life.
dissabte, 7 de març del 2009
Description of my friend
Description of of my friend Ricard Montfort:
Ricard Montfort is a student of 1 batxillerat from Castelló d’Empuriés. He lives in Castelló Nou. He´s got black hair, brown eyes and he is tall.
He plays the guitar, he also goes running. Ricard is very sociable and he isn’t an aggressive person. When he is with other people he is interesting, funny and extroverted.
When he is with one friend he is the same.
His father installs alarm systems, he works with his father.
Finally, Ricard is a good boy, he likes spaghetti, he also likes going to the beach and going to the mountain.
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